We are excited to announce two new clients to the Pinnacle family. We want to thank Terry Register / Capmar Insurance Inc and Ed Dubisz with Green Earth Landscaping for trusting Pinnacle Resource Group Inc with their most valued Commercial Property assets.
We want to Thank Terry Register and Aaron Bryson for allowing Pinnacle Resource Group to provide Full Service #PropertyManagement for the Capmar Corporate Office. This is our official kick off in the Wake Forest NC Area. We are excited to be part of the community of Wake Forest and look forward to working with Terry and his staff moving forward. This Class B building is approx. 9500 sq ft, is comprised of two floors, elevator and multiple offices on both floors. Capmar Insurance occupies the entire first floor and Mark Thomas Media occupies the 2nd Floor. We are excited about this partnership and want to thank #Capmar Ins Inc for putting their trust in us. #PinnacleResourceGroupInc.
#commercialrealestate #commercialrealestatebroker #commercialproperty #commercialleasing #commercialspace #commercialoffice #Excellence #commercialbroker #commercialdevelopment #apartments #commercialbuildings #commercialupfits #commerciallease #investments #commercialprojects #commerciallending #commercialbuilding #propertymanagement #tenants #landlords #industrialrealestate #office #realestateinvesting #tenant #investmentrealestate #investmentproperties #investmentproperties #commericalrealestate #officeleasing #realestatedevelopment #officebuilding #landlord
#PinnacleResourceGroup had a productive week last week. We want to thank Ed Dubisz with #GreenEarthLandscaping. We met with Green Earth Landscaping on Friday of last week and will be managing their Corporate Office in Charlotte / Indian Trail NC. Green Earth Landscaping provides #CommercialLandscaping services to Multi-Tenant Properties including #HOA, Strip Shopping Centers and some Private Residential Clients. We want to Thank Ed Dubisz for his continued business relationship as well as his trust in Pinnacle to handle his corporate assets.